Inga Kuznecova


Dancer and choreographer Inga Kuznecova got her bachelor’s degree as a choreographer from the Art department at the Klaipėda University in 2010, and graduated as an MA of dance two years later. She studied the art of dance at the Dance College in Stockholm too, and has been teaching it at Klaipėda University since 2014, managing a contemporary dance studio “Jazz Up”, at the same time performing and creating at the Šeiko dance company.

Inga had her debut as a choreographer on a professional stage in 2010, and she’s the author or four dance plays, which all differ in their genres and forms, subjects and types of the language of movement. Her final work for the studies, “Mikas ir pusryčiai“ [“Mikas and breakfast”] (2010), focused on the reaction of humans to various tastes of food. In 2012, she worked with Petras Lisauskas on a simple yet intellectually sharp duet about a relationship of a couple, “Ir viskas klojosi kuo puikiausiai” [“And everything went well”]. Both these plays were included in the programme of the international festival New Baltic Dance (Lithuania), and the third work by Inga “Diagnozė – krepšinis“ [“Diagnosis – basketball”] (2012) was dedicated to the most popular sport in Lithuania. 

A few years later, I. Kuznecova returned as a choreographer with a play for kids of 7–12 years, “Pamirštos princesės“ [“Forgotten princesses”]. The work was show at John F. Kennedy’s centre for stage arts in Washington, USA – a prestigious space for contemporary dance.

Videos (choreography / dance)

Forgotten Princesses

Chor. Inga Kuznecova
Premier: 2017

And Everything Went Well

Chor. Inga Kuznecova
Premier: 2012


Chor. Alban Richard and Agnija Šeiko
Šeiko dance company (Lithuania) with Caen Normandy National Choreography Center, France
Premiere: 2018

Dance performance for kids “White lullaby”

Chor. Agnija Šeiko. Šeiko dance company (Lithuania).
Premiere: 2014
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