Liza Baliasnaja


Liza Baliasnaja is a choreographer working between Lithuania and Belgium at the moment, also an active lecturer, and performer. She studied dance and choreography in The Netherlands, the Artez academy, and in Belgium, the P.A.R.T.S dance school. From the age of 16, she was a part of the AURA dance theatre troupe for two years, performing in international festivals in Lithuanian and abroad.

Liza created “Klymaxless”, a performance for the AURA dance theatre team in 2015 as a part of the “Ant Auros Batuto” platform.

After finishing her studies in 2016, she has started education activities – giving seminars in Lithuania for students, amateurs, and professionals.

Her choreography creations “Figures” and “Commensurate to be with” are being shown within the dance and visual fields in Lithuania and abroad.

Liza’s artistic practices are about blending art theory, philosophy, critical thinking, and methodologies of dace research together.

As a performer, she collaborates with internationally known choreographers and artists in the visual and dance fields.

Apart from her personal endeavours, she is currently studying philosophy at the KU Leuven in Belgium.

Created works:

  • 2019 TRIEB  (new piece)
  • 2018 SPLASH! together with Christine de Smedt and Myriam Van Imschoot, together with Keren Kraizer, Louis Nam Le Van Ho and Elli Vassalou
  • 2017 FIGURES together with Sidney Barnes

Dance experience

  • Danza (Fuera) Permanente / DD  Dorvillier
  • THE CLIMATE/ Mårten Spångberg
  • RELAY/ Ula Sickle
  • Lazy larva high on vapors/ Eglė Budvytytė
  • Gerhard  Richter/ Mårten Spångberg
  • Natten/ Mårten Spångberg
  • MONUMENT 0.4: LORES & PRAXES (a ritual of transformation)/ Eszter Salamon
  • DAWN / Mårten Spångberg

Videos (choreography / dance)


Chor. Liza Baliasnaja.


Chor. Liza Baliasnaja together with Sidney Barnes.
More information