
Price and length
Joshua Beamish / BALLET 65 eur (6 days x 1,5h)
Joshua Beamish / CONTEMPORARY DANCE TECHNIQUE 65 eur (6 days x 1,5h)
Kulli Roosna & Kenneth Flak / CONTEMPORARY DANCE TECHNIQUE 65 eur (6 days x 1,5h)
Ilze Zirina / CONTEMPORARY DANCE 65 eur (6 days x 1,5h)
Ieva Navickaitė / CONTEMPORARY DANCE 65 eur (6 days x 1,5h)
Kulli Roosna & Kenneth Flak
CREATIVE LAB „responsive body“
90 eur (6 days x 3h)
Arina Trostyanetskaya & Erika Vizbaraitė
CREATIVE LAB for youngsters
120 eur (5 days x 4,5h)


Workshops are continuous, thus you can register and pay for the whole course. Please pay attention to the schedule and levels when you are choosing workshops (some are happening at the same time).


20% discount is applied for students and members of Lithuanian Contemporary Dance Association. Also if you choose 2 or more courses you will get additional 10% discount.

Number of courses / type Amount with discount, eur Amount with student, Contemporary Dance Association member discount, eur
65 eur x 1 52,00
90 eur x 1 72,00

2 or more courses (extra 10 % discount)

65 + 65 eur 117,00 93,60
65 + 90 eur 139,50 111,60
65 + 65 + 65 eur 175,50 140,40
65 + 65 + 90 eur 198,00 158,40
65 + 65 + 65 + 65 eur 234,00 187,20
65 + 65 + 65 + 90 eur 256,50 205,20